Work with Marli 1:1
Your Path to Purpose
Discover your Soul Contract - your unique energetic signature. Learn about the map that you created for your life and how to achieve your purpose.
Find out how past choices have taken you out of alignment with who you truly are, and how those blocks in your energy are currently affecting you today.
Use the power of the Akashic Records to release these negative patterns and align to your highest timeline.
Shift your Vibration
- Discover how to live in alignment with your true Soul Essence. High-touch, personalised guidance to master your vibrational state across all levels - mental, emotional and spiritual.
- Learn how to embody your unique gifts and talents, and harness your creative power to unlock your internal guidance and manifest your greatest desires.
- In-depth and practical coaching packages. Plans start at £5k for 3 months mininum but can be personalised to suit.
Work with Marli 1:1
Your Path to Purpose
Discover your Soul Contract - your unique energetic signature. Learn about the map that you created for your life and how to achieve your purpose.
Find out how past choices have taken you out of alignment with who you truly are, and how those blocks in your energy are currently affecting you today.
Use the power of the Akashic Records to release these negative patterns and align to your highest timeline.
Shift your Vibration
- Discover how to live in alignment with your true Soul Essence. High-touch, personalised guidance to master your vibrational state across all levels - mental, emotional and spiritual.
- Learn how to embody your unique gifts and talents, and harness your creative power to unlock your internal guidance and manifest your greatest desires.
- These are are in-depth and practical coaching sessions. Plans start at 3 month mininum but can be personalised to suit.
Signature Programmes
Embody Visionary Leadership
Accelerator for New Earth, purpose-driven leaders to increase their impact and income doing their Soul work.
This unique 9-week programme combines the latest techniques in spiritual development and modern attraction marketing processes to help you discover your signature message and offer.
It is a highly transformational programme that not only gives you the practical tools and techniques to build your spiritual business, but it also creates an energetic and vibrational shift that is going to help you step into the highest and best version of yourself.
Unlock Abundance Lightcodes
- Energetic transmission of New Earth frequencies to tap into an unprecedented experience of abundance.
- This channelled programme includes tools and techniques to unlock the lightcodes held within your DNA to create a new template of abundance for your own life and for those of your clients.
- It is a living curriculum that you can revise as many times as needed to get deeper access from your own DNA as your energy opens up to the new information from your upgraded Lightbody. Clear old patterns and stabilise into the new frequencies available as we embody a new level of consciousness.
Signature Programmes
New Earth Visionary Leadership
Accelerator for visionary leaders to increase their impact and income doing their Soul work.
This unique 9-week programme combines the latest techniques in spiritual development and modern attraction marketing processes to help you discover your signature message and offer.
It is a highly transformational programme that not only gives you the practical tools and techniques to build your spiritual business, but it also creates an energetic and vibrational shift that is going to help you step into the highest and best version of yourself.
Unlock new lightcodes for Abundance
- Channeled programme that is an energetic transmission of New Earth frequencies to tap you into new levels of abundance.
- This programme includes new tools and techniques to unlock the lightcodes held within your DNA to create a new template for your own life and for those of your clients.
- It is a living curriculum that you can revise many times to get deeper access every time you open your energy up to the new information that is available to you as your Lightbody opens up, clears old patterns and stabilises into the new frequencies available as we embody a new level of consciousness.
Get my new book
Master your Money Mindset
A practical and spiritual guide to transform your experience of money and abundance
Learn how to connect to the spiritual nature of abundance and start to build a new relationship with money. When you take a deeper, more energetic approach you can create extraordinary results in your financial reality.
Get my new book
Master your Money Mindset

A practical and spiritual guide to transform your experience of money and abundance
Learn how to connect to the spiritual nature of abundance and start to build a new relationship with money. When you take a deeper, more energetic approach you can create extraordinary results in your financial reality.
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Call in the next level version of yourself and create miracles in your life through the 'Monetise your Magic' masterclass.
Call in the next level version of yourself and create miracles in your life through the 'Monetise your Magic' masterclass.